Bity Bats will mint for 1 SOL each in spring 2022. Stay tuned to Twitter for the latest updates and announcements.
Purchases will be accepted through Phantom wallet. We recommend creating a wallet prior to the launch date if you don’t already have one.
  1. Install Phantom Wallet extension for your browser (Google Chrome or Brave recommended).
  2. Purchase Solana on a cryptocurrency exchange (Coinbase, Kraken, etc.) and send the Solana to your Phantom wallet.
  3. Connect your wallet to our minting website by clicking on the Connect button on the top right (this will appear where the social media icons are).
  4. Click the “Mint” button and follow the prompts to complete the transaction. Your Bity Bat NFT will appear in the Phantom wallet that you purchased it with.
The Bity Bats mint will utilize Metaplex Candy Machine V2 for the latest transaction process. The distribution of bats and the order of rarity will be random. The Bity Bats metadata is stored on Arweave, a permanent decentralized data storage.
There is one mint per transaction. You will be able to repeat this as many times as you want.
You will receive one Bity Bat NFT smart contract artwork sized at 1080x1080px.
You are free to do anything with your Bity Bat under a non-exclusive license. See our full terms for more information.
Bity Bats will be available on secondary markets as soon as possible following the main sale event. Stay tuned to our Discord and Twitter pages for announcements.
Hyperliminal Studios is a small Artist/Developer team with shared passions for art, crypto, and community building. Launching into the exciting world of NFTs seemed a natural space for us to share our work. The team will verify themselves on Civic to increase community confidence.
5% royalty will be applied to all resales. These funds will be transferred into the Nocturna DAO wallet for future donations and project developments.
Please get in touch with us on the official Bity Bat Twitter page.
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